Thursday, May 9, 2013

End of the Year Updates

I know that record numbers of NHers will read this post because we all know that by the end of the year we are all so driven and determined to work hard, and I'm sure none of you have forgotten about these important dates coming up. But just in case, here they are:

May 24th- Senior Project Review Papers are due!
May 29th- The NHS Pinning Ceremony (Which all MUST attend)!

There's probably something else I'm forgetting but fortunately I have enough drive and determination to find it out and report it to you as soon as I can!

Also great work at the SAP Carnival last Friday! Here are some great photos:

Oh don't you love all the smiling faces?

In other news, there has been a change in regime! The Lee dynasty has been overthrown and has been replaced with the Phan dynasty! Here are some more photos of the (rigged) elections held a while back:

Thanks to Medora for all the pictures!


And I think that about sums it up! This may or may not be my last blog post of the year!

:'( :'( :'(

That's what I'm guessing the three of you who are reading this look like right now.

Well this post went on a bit longer than expected.

Now I'm just dragging it out.

So Long.
